Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Special

These are some of the "Oh my god Beatles, you are sometimes really special." moments. Or some of them are "Oh my god Beatles, you are sometimes really retarted." moments.
In this one above, Paul gives the rest of the Beatles the "death stare." This picture is actually from the end of the cartoon "Yellow Submarine", which is a really weird but awesome movie.

This one above is VERY random. I don't even know what they are doing......

Oh Paul......

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beatle autographs

Okay, it would be really cool if I could actually get a Beatle's autograph, but I did find these online!

Of course, I have Paulie's signiture first.....

I love how he puts one c on top of the other in his last name. I basically love his whole signiture!!!

John Lennon's.....

Georgie's perfect handwriting.....

And my absolute favorite......RINGO STARR'S!!!

It's just so....out could say. I love the star he puts under his name. But he can't spell his last name right, that's his only problem. There's two r's, Ringo!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, I found this somewhere online.....kinda freaky.....just warning you......

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First Post!

Welcome Beatle fans!!! I"m trying to follow in "What You're Doing" blogmaker's footsteps! I LOVE that blog!!! Enjoy these wonderful Beatle pics!